Planning Your Visit to Campus

As you plan for your visit to campus, below are resources that you may find helpful. Additional resources will be added in the coming weeks, so please continue to refer to this page for more information.

Based on current CDC recommendations for Harris County as well as data compiled through the Texas Medical Center, Rice University is currently encouraging – but not requiring – everyone to carry masks at all times on campus and use their best judgment on when it’s appropriate to wear a mask – on or off campus. For people who have special health concerns or want a higher level of protection, a well fitted KN95 mask offers good protection for the user and significantly better than cloth and disposable surgical masks.

For the safety of the Rice community, we ask that all guests intending to participate in inauguration activities to please continue monitoring their health, stay home if they are ill, and wear a mask whenever it’s appropriate.

CDC Coronavirus Self-Checker Tool
